
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Most Argued Fact in Florida History

  The Most Argued Fact in Florida History: The Story: After a successful conquest of "Incan Peru in 1532-35" Hernando de Soto returned to his homeland of Spain seeking to become a ruler of his own territory (Gannon 26). In response to de Soto's request, Carlos V granted him the governorship of La Florida which was "previously awarded to Narvaez and Ayllon" and granted him sizable land to rule over (Gannon 26). Later, de Soto arrived in Florida with "600 soldiers, twelve priests, two women, servants and slaves, 223 horses, numerous mules and war dogs, and a herd of swine" (Gannon 28). From there he began his expedition into the interior of Florida to assess his newfound lands. Hernando De Soto The Debate: Now, the great debate which Gannon describes as the question where nothing has "been argued for the past half century (sic)" than where de Soto had landed with his expeditionary forces (Gannon 28). The options were: Tampa Bay, Charlotte Harbo

Chapter 2 Worksheet

   (4) Cite your Article (in proper APA format): Gannon, Michael Chapter 2: First European Contacts. History of Florida. 1 pgs 18-40     Focus Questions: (1)    Who is the author?  Michael Gannon   (10) One argument presented is that Historic Accounts are not always cut & dry/ certain.  Discuss 2 examples within this chapter that supports this idea.  (pg 18.28) One example from the chapter is when in reference to the fountain of youth gannon states that it was “probably a gloss by Herrera based on an unsubstantiated account by Peter Martyr” (Ganon 19). It was much more common for conquistadors to be seeking God, glory and gold “the lust for which drove all conquistadors of the period” (Gannon 19). Additionally, where the party traveling with Hernando de Soto landed. Gannon claims that “of all the questions raised by students of the Florida discovery period, none has been more argued for the past century than [where they landed]” (Gannon 28). Multiple different s

Introduction Post

 Introduction: Personal Introduction: My name is Derrick Wheeler and I am, obviously, a student at FSCJ, I've been living in Jacksonville all my life (Except for August-December 2021 when I was in Tallahassee). My mother's side of the family has been in Florida for a very long time, and just like most people, they could not escape the vacuum that is Jacksonville, and they are now living here for the rest of time. My father's side of the family is a bit more complicated, we do not have much of a precedent in the US because my dad's side immigrated to the United States after World War II to escape the Nazis, but then they moved all over the place until joining the military landed my grandparents in Jacksonville.   Reflection upon materials: It was interesting to learn about the Paleoindians and how "they entered Florida around 10,000 B.C.," (Gannon 3).  In retrospect, it should have been obvious to me that the group of people who had crossed the Bering Strait wo

Test Post: Welcome to my blog

Welcome to the best blog about the History of Florida in the history of Florida. Things to expect here: -Assignments -Assignments -And more assignments. Also, I won't promise not to use lime green comic sans but I'll try not to