Chapter 2 Worksheet


(4) Cite your Article (in proper APA format):

Gannon, Michael Chapter 2: First European Contacts. History of Florida. 1 pgs 18-40



Focus Questions:

(1)   Who is the author? 

Michael Gannon


(10) One argument presented is that Historic Accounts are not always cut & dry/ certain.  Discuss 2 examples within this chapter that supports this idea.  (pg 18.28)

One example from the chapter is when in reference to the fountain of youth gannon states that it was “probably a gloss by Herrera based on an unsubstantiated account by Peter Martyr” (Ganon 19). It was much more common for conquistadors to be seeking God, glory and gold “the lust for which drove all conquistadors of the period” (Gannon 19). Additionally, where the party traveling with Hernando de Soto landed. Gannon claims that “of all the questions raised by students of the Florida discovery period, none has been more argued for the past century than [where they landed]” (Gannon 28). Multiple different sources put out incredibly different answers from Tampa Bay to Charlotte Harbor to back to Tampa Bay again, which even then “remains provisional” (Gannon 28).




(1)   Explore the discussion of the Fountain of Youth and its validity (pg 19).

According to Gannon one ship was sent to find it but as stated earlier it was a “gloss by Herrera based on an unsubstantiated account” and does not mean much in discussion of Ponce de Leon’s motivations for exploring Florida.



(5) Describe political or social policy mentioned within the chapter.  Be sure to include:

The way in which the political and social policy was formed in the new world was where the Old World leaders are still the head of the governmental body. However, settlement on the new world required a provisional governor of the lands they conquered and thus an adelantado was named. The natives were subject to the great religious proclamation formally called Requirimiento, which did not help decrease tensions at all with the natives of the region. Of course, the king’s policies would not always be taken well, for example when the New Laws of 1542 were decreed giving basic rights to indigenous peoples, the settlers of the new world began to get unruly and threaten revolt until King Charles pulled back on the scope of the laws.

(1)   What animal was introduced to Florida by de Soto?

Horses. 223 to be exact.


(2)What is the “microbial invasion”?         

The microbial invasion is the less obvious aspect of the Spanish conquest in which diseases of the Old World began to infect and devastate local indigenous communities. Those diseases included but were not limited to “smallpox, measles, and typhoid fever” (Gannon 33).



(5) Present reasons supporting settlement of Florida AND arguments against the settlement of Florida based on the text of Chapter 2

The reasons supporting the settlement of Florida are the promise of material wealth like “gold, silver, and gems” on top of the glory which comes along with conquering a foreign land (Gannon 35). Additionally, it has been stated that Florida was to “be an excellent source of young brides” seeing as to how matters of the flesh also made a significant impact on the motivations for taking Florida. However, the peninsula of Florida was “a province of war” and the conflict between Europeans and the Natives as well as amongst themselves made Florida too dangerous to attempt to settle. Additionally, they would attempt to settle unpopulated regions on the coast and with “few Natives in the region” comes “few food crops” in turn and thus the settlers would have to struggle with their environment to keep themselves fed and in good enough health to survive the changing climates of Florida (Gannon 36).

(1)   What do you find most interesting about this article?

What I found most interesting was just how hard they all struggled to settle Florida from war to famine they couldn’t find a way to succeed.

1.      Create an artistic interpretation of one of the conquistadors interacting with Aboriginal Floridians:

(Apologies for my terrible drawing skills). 
