Chapter 10 Worksheet

 (2) Cite your Article (in proper APA format):

Parker, Susan et Coker, William Chapter 10: The Second Spanish Period in the Two Floridas. History of Florida. 1 pgs 162-178 

Focus Questions:

(1)   Who are the authors? 

Susan Richbourg Parker and William S. Coker

(5) Identify and discuss the issue of “perspective” with regards to Anglo writings of Spanish Government

The issue of perspective with regards to Anglo writings of Spanish Government is that they “reflected the Anglophile viewpoints of earlier viewpoints” (Parker 163). They had presented a viewpoint of Spanish Florida “merely awaiting an inevitable takeover by the United States and its institutions” (Parker 163). The English sources on the matter hammered in that ideal and that is why the idea persists among Anglo writers and readers during the time-period. David J. Weber remarked that English and American writers “uniformly condemned Spanish rule,” leading to the broadly negative perspective of the period (Parker 163). 

(2)   How did Spain cede one territory and receive two back twenty years later?

When the Spanish got Florida back from the British following the American Revolution, they had received it in two pieces: East and West. They had two capitals and everything.

(5) Describe the two territories, their locations, capitols, and industry & resources

East Florida:
Capital-St. Augustine
Location-East of the Apalachicola River and south of the St. Marys River
Industry and Resources- Trade with the Caribbean and British.  

West Florida:
Capital- Pensacola
Location- Extended from the Apalachicola on the East to the Mississippi on the West
Industry and Resources- Furs and fertile farmland. Tobacco, indigo, and lumber.

(8) What are some of the turning points for the rapid turnover of FL (Spanish/British/Spanish/U.S.)

The Louisiana Purchase, the strong mercantilism of the English with Indian trade, The United States taking bits and pieces of Spanish Florida, The British and Spanish splitting some portions of Florida until they had conflict again, insurgencies in West Florida, The War of 1812, Spain’s poor financial state, Jackson’s superior military power. 

(5) Present evidence of Political, Social, and Economic influence/affects in Chapter 10

Political- The lack of war against the United States meant that they did not assist with British holdings in West Pensacola, independent West Florida modeled a constitution after the United States.
Social- Large swaths of desire for independence due to American influence
Economic- British dominance of Indian trade as well as East Florida’s reliance upon them for keeping their economy afloat 

(2) What do you find most interesting about this article?

What I find most interesting is how Spain was clinging desperately to their land while America just wrenched it out each and every time.
