
Showing posts from November, 2022

Site Visit: Castillo de San Marcos

 Castillo de San Marcos I was unable to visit any sites this week due to the incoming storm as well as other reasons so today I will post about a site visit from earlier this year to Castillo de San Marcos. On May 1st, 2022 I visited St. Augustine and toured around Castillo de San Marcos. I went with my brother and my mom and we visited Castillo de San Marcos at my request. We spent time there from around 1:00-2:30, so around an hour and a half. C astillo de San Marcos is the Spanish fortification that was built into the area to serve as an outpost for the Spanish military.  It is relevant to the text because it is within St. Augustine which is mentioned a lot not only in the early history of Florida but also in its later history as well. We spent time walking around the areas like the fort's cell, barracks, top-side, and the minor fortifications around the fort. It was quite the experience because we took the time to actually stay still and read the information given to us. For ex