A Land Remembered: The Horse Race

The horse race is something small but very enjoyable to me. Firstly, I find it funny that Ishmael is so special that they have no doubt whatsoever that they can win against a racehorse. I also find it interesting that Tobias used his knowledge of racehorses to wager that the horse could not last 3 miles going full speed against Ishmael. Then, the suspense of the horse getting far ahead of Ishmael contrasted with the calm nature of Zech. Then at that very moment "Ishmael sprang forward as if until this point he had not been running at all. He stretched his neck out like a heron in flight, and his hooves barely touched the ground as he streaked across the rutted sand. In five seconds he was abreast of the bay and moving ahead; and when they reached the finish line, he was fifty yards in front of Thunder" (A Land Remembered 99). The icing on it all is that Hendry was a good sport about it all and even gave up their land. 

Source Cited:

Smith, P. D. (2011). A land remembered. Pineapple Press.
