Current Events

 Source: Avanier, E. (2022, December 3). Amid debate, Jacksonville radio station says it'll continue playing music by ye, formerly Kanye West. WJXT. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

Article Title: Amid debate, Jacksonville radio station says it’ll continue playing music by Ye, formerly Kanye West

Article Date: 12/02/2022

Who was involved: Ye, 93.3 The Beat, T-Roy, Jacksonville Residents

Where this event happened: Jacksonville, FL; I-Heart Radio Station

When did this event happen: 12/02/2022

What happened: 
Rap-Icon Ye, famous for songs such as Graduation and Gold Digger, has been in the news recently for his anti-Semetic viewpoints. This reached a head on December 1st, 2022 when Ye went onto the InfoWars show with reputed far-right host Alex Jones where he went on to say further anti-Semitic remarks such as "I'm a Nazi", "I like Hitler", and "they did good things too, we gotta stop dissing Nazis all the time." (Kurrco 2022).  This sparked a National outcry as many people disagree with the stance of liking Hitler, shocking I know. This lead the producers and hosts at I-Heart radio to question if they were going to continue playing Ye's music. They ultimately decided to continue playing his music because according to the radio host of 93.3 The Beat, T-Roy "I have had more ‘yeahs,’ we should continue playing his music, then compared to the ‘nahs,'" (Avanier 2022). The host continues by saying "The biggest thing that came up has been race. Everybody’s said, ‘He’s a Black man and we need to support him as a Black man." (Avanier 2022).

Why is this Event Relevant: It is relevant because it shows the social and political overlap celebrities have within U.S Culture. Additionally, it shows that Jacksonville has and always will have solidarity between African-Americans ever since Jacksonville became the hub of Black Culture after the reformation. 

Other Sources:

Kurrco. (2022, December 1). Ye just doubled down and straight up said "I like hitler" 😭 Twitter. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

Kurrco, K. (2022, December 1). Ye: "they did good things too, we're gonna stop dissing n*zis all the time.". Twitter. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

Kurrco, K. (2022, December 1). Ye: "I'm a N*ZI."PIC.TWITTER.COM/WVJPOQU24X. Twitter. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

